Bro just go and try to create something good for the people bro. If you live your life this way — you’ll succeed in all areas of life because this is what Jesus Christ told us to do. Just do good things for other people and everything will fall in the right place in your life. Just try to be a really good man/woman. This is a really good and satisfying way to live this life.
And what do I do? I create good music for the people so everybody can just listen Perro Loco X and be super-happy.
Just follow the good things in life and try to create something valuable for other people and you will be fine.
Also try to always think in a positive way. Go and watch the movie “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and just do what it says. You’ll be just fine. Also read the Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland.
OK thank you for your attention. My name is Perro Loco X and I’m the rapper. Go listen Perro Loco X on Spotify and other music streaming services!!! God bless!