A Note Of Productive Freedom

Hey guys. This is a note. This is a note of freedom. I’m free and it’s a fact.

I like to record songs. I like to produce music because it makes me feel alright.

I must say that producing something – be it music, text or video – kinda makes me feel alright and gives me new inspiration in my life.

I Can Feel The Difference

I really can feel the difference in my mood and my inspiration when I just entertain myself with something like watching a movie or playing a video game and when I do something productive like writing an article or producing a video or a song.

Producing something is just a safe method for me to feel alright – when I kinda “feel a little down” or something I can just start writing something or start making a beat for a new song and pretty much sure I’ll be feeling just fine in just 10 minutes or so of doing this productive activity.

I Keep The Productive Activities Present In My Life

So that’s why I try to keep the productive activities pretty much present in my life because they give me joy and new inspiration in my life.

Thank you for your attention.

YKP 2021

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since 2018

Perro Loco X